Saskatchewan Polytechnic hosted its annual THINK conference on May 9th, focusing on the future of work, technology and learning. The event brought together industry experts and thought leaders to discuss the evolving topics of AI and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

May 2024

Saskatchewan Polytechnic hosted its annual THINK conference on May 9th, focusing on the future of work, technology and learning. The event brought together industry experts and thought leaders to discuss the evolving topics of AI and its impact on various aspects of our lives.

The conference featured three prominent speakers who shared their insights on the rapid advancement of technology, the changing nature of work and the continuous evolution of learning. Ramy Nassar, founder of 1000 Days Out and author of the upcoming AI Product Design Handbook, is an expert on AI, emerging technology, disruption and strategic foresight. Heather Berlin, a neuroscientist, clinical psychologist and associate clinical professor of psychiatry and neuroscience, shared her work on consciousness and how the brain interacts with the mind. Tom Wujec, a veteran innovator and former chief disruptor at Autodesk, shared his expertise in innovation and the future of making, emphasizing the importance of creative collaboration.

In addition to the keynote speakers, a lively roundtable discussion explored the impact of AI on various industries. Topics included how can we incorporate AI into training employees, concerns about AI and integrating AI into existing workflows. Professionals from Sask Polytech, SaskPower, Sprayers 101 and BHP joined the panel.

“Thank you to our speakers, panellists and attendees for their engagement and valuable contributions today,” says Dr. Larry Rosia, Sask Polytech president and CEO. “The future of learning and artificial intelligence is upon us and it is important for us to be prepared for the possibilities it brings. I learned a lot from our keynote speakers and panellists and thank them for their insight in preparing for a future that is innovative, inclusive and transformative.”  

Thank you to our gold sponsor Graham Construction; silver sponsor McKercher LLP and bronze sponsors BHP, Prime Strategic Planning and Sprayers 101.

To learn more about the THINK conference visit